As a mar­ket­ing pro­fes­sion­al or dig­i­tal mar­keter, you are your business’s voice. And it’s all about the qual­i­ty of this voice. You will have to take respon­si­bil­i­ty for key tasks, like con­tent cre­ation and social media mar­ket­ing. Or dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion with your cus­tomers. These things can’t be del­e­gat­ed and much less auto­mat­ed. How­ev­er, if you have some handy tools at your dis­pos­al, you’re going to speed up your work and achieve bet­ter results. This is where dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing design tools come in handy.

Dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing agen­cies are famil­iar with most of these tools and resources, but for those just get­ting start­ed, you may want to book­mark this arti­cle. The pur­pose is to give the new mar­keter an idea of what’s out there. I’ve includ­ed a handy com­par­i­son chart so you can get a quick idea of what they do.

Dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing has become a neces­si­ty for busi­ness­es of all types. While it can be a bit over­whelm­ing know­ing that you have to car­ry out an array of tasks to keep your web­site vis­i­ble, social accounts active, and more; there are plen­ty of tools that make it sim­pler.